What a wonderful party!

Vadelma is not just about partying, though it may seem like it at a first glance from this blog.
Anyway, last night we had a wonderful party in Vadelmarooms for members and their friends.
People had done a lot for that night - excellent decoration, food and program - and the atmosphere was wonderful. Thank you all. Klava, Manogurgeil and Sub Rosa where performing. Unfortunately I only got to see and hear (and photograph) Klava, as I had to leave the party at it's best and go home to pack my luggage.
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Octopus Syng Alive in Vadelmarooms

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Vadelmarooms in the net

Vadelmarooms have now an internetconnection.
The first imac-netcomputer is in the Vadelmacaf'é for members to use.
Unfortunately blogs were not readable/writable, when I tried it out there today.
But I'm sure some computergenious will solve that problem.
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Vadelma 1 year

The first constitutive meeting of Vadelma R.Y. was held in 25.9.2004 in Sture Jazz Café in Helsinki. Today Vadelma was celebrating it's one year birthday in Vadelmarooms.
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The Grand opening of Vadelma R.Y. rooms

The grand opening of Vadelma R.Y. rooms was held in August in the traditional Night of Arts in Helsinki.
Members and their friends were celebrating. Here's some pictures from that evening -

"Smart Art", Various Artists - Janne, Pekka, Noora etc.,  Live painting, Dreadlock Tales, Adora, Sub Rosa,  Sad Karma, Kalle's videoart, Noora's videoart etc.
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Painting the entryway raspberrypink

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Building the entryway

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Cleaning the mirrors, windows etc.

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The building of the kitchen and more workrooms

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The breaking of the "living room"

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The Flooding toilet seat

On a Tuesdayevening in August we were cleaning and arranging the Vadelma rooms. The day had been hot and sunny, and we had no idea, while working in the basement floor, that there had started a big thunderstorm outside and heavy raining was going on. Suddenly, while I was vacuuming the kitchen, I heard strange noise from the entryway and one of the guys shouting. I went to see and couldn't believe my eyes - The toilet seat was pushing water outside. We closed the toilet door, but the water flooding came to the entryway from under it and was going to get to the first band training room. Guys began moving the furniture and instruments away and we threw all possible towels, t-shirts and pieces of cloth to stop the water flooding on the floor. Luckily the toilet seat stopped flooding after some time, and no serious harm was done. But the smell.. Well, we got rid of it through cleaning. And so it was that even the entrywayfloor ended up being much more cleaner than what it had been before the flood, caused by heavy raining outside.
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More space to the passageway

The passageway in front of the trainingrooms needed more space, so guys decided to brake up the old shelves.
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Faces Etnofestival 2005

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The opening of Vadelmas bandtrainingrooms in July

Sub Rosa was performing and charming the audience in the opening of Vadelmas bandtraining rooms in July.
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Vadelma R.Y. rooms before renovation

These pictures are from Vadelmas rooms in the early March of 2005, before they were renovated.

The first two pictures are taken before breaking some wall, cleaning up, and building the rooms for bands to practise.

The third picture is from when the visual artists' side was just a dirty and dusty hall filled with rubbish.
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