Helsinki, Finland and Vadelmaspaces

- Vadelmaspaces -
exhibition of Vadelma r.y. is happening
13. - 19.10.2006
in Maa-Tila -gallery
Address Albertinkatu 19
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Coming up - The Night of Arts

On Thursday, 24th of August, whole of Helsinki is having a Night of Arts.

Vadelma is going to have open doors in Vadelma Rooms at 21 - 03,
while celebrating the Night of Arts, and also the one year age of Vadelma Rooms (check
August 2005).

Here's some excerpts from that becoming evening's program, atmosphere, live music and art:

- in the hall: glamour pingpong
- djs demimonde and vilunki 3000
- in the art room: respect-videoinstallation
- in the studyroom: olemisen vartijat (the guardians of being)
- in the live-room: pasilian savut, sub rosa and klava
- minstrel immanuel
- nibblings and other serving

Exact timeline shall come later.

You'll be most welcome!

(A Night of the Arts -meeting for the members of Vadelma and other participants on Thursday 17.8. at 17.)
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First issue of Jam, Vadelma's magazine, is out.

You can buy a copy of Jam with 3e only, by picking it up from Vadelma rooms, or by ordering by e-mail or from
feedback ( members get the jam for 2e ).

First Jam is black and white, and about 100 copies printed.
It includes for example:
- stories of Vadelma along the way
- trends 2010
- Vilunki 3000 and Octopus Syng interviewed
- poems and a comic strip
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Vadelma in Faces 28. - 30.7.06

The wonderful Faces Etnofestival is going on in Billnäs at the moment.

Vadelma will take part in Faces '06 by putting up a 6m wall for free collective painting for all festival visitors. Vadelma wants to remind that art is for everyone.

Respect is the theme of the Faces '06, and Vadelma also participates in the art exhibition there with a collective RESPECT- video installation, made by 12 members of Vadelma, me among others.
Also, going solo in the exhibition is Jonne Pitkänen.

Take a look at the Vadelma collective painting there
(photo by Jonne Pitkänen)
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vadelma movie club

vadelma movie club on Sundays at 6pm in Vadelma rooms.
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Vadelma Fest '06

The following text I translated from Finnish, Kalle from

(Unfortunately I got the images here from the loungeroom only, which at one point managed to turn into a fabulous dancefloor by the beat of Bollywood, since I was the dj there all night, and also a vj in the small hours. What a wonderful night we had again!)

"After Villa Siperia burnt, a quick decision was made to shift Vadelma Fest '06 to our own rooms in Lönkka. In the beginning the idea of having a summerfestival in a basement felt a little gloomy, but even more gloomier felt the idea of cancelling the whole thing, since we had already booked over ten performers. As unfortunate and tragic as the burning of Siperia was, it also seemed to motivate Vadelma as a collective; as if the energy bound in Siperia, set loose by the fire, had its part shifted to Vadelma. In two days we fixed the Vadelmarooms - never seen them as functioning and polished, and so when getting on toward Saturday evening the fest was ready to begin.

The multifaceted and variable musicprogram began with
Dj Saraswati's first India-set in the lounge-room. First liveperformance in the stage of the arthall was by My Divine Creature, which played a visual and stylish set for the increasing audience - dismal toned poprock in impressive clothes. Random Doctors was taking care of the videos in the arthall from the beginning till the end of the fest.

First band in the loungeroom stage was Vadelmaveteran Octopus Syng Alive, which played us an excellent and rather long gig with a special line-up. At the same time in the other side Pleasures and Days was beginning, The theme of their performance was "the on-going re-birth of the transcendental politics in the spirit of popularmusic". This band of two members' answer to the challenge of posthedonism was effectively hard, to say the least.

The evenings' other liveact in lounge-stage was
Olli Koivu. The duo had a fine set of acousticspirited popularsong-acting pop in Finnish, accompanied on guitars. The harder goings-on continued in the hall side when Luoja began. The band which has turned into trio played its heavy proge with an impressive grip.

Dj Saraswati continued in the lounge-room with more machine-made Indian music, and also in the big hall machines, synthesizers and record players were about for the rest of the night.
The last liveband in the main stage was two-man James Reipas, which gave the festivalpeople lively dancebeat, toned with guitar and organ, around midnight. From this the night was continued with breakbeat and drumbass by dj-gurumen Tomplex, Vox Pops, Apollo Bonaparte and Dave Angel. In the other side, in the trainrooms, was a small nightplay going on, acoustic in B2 and more electric in B3.

Festival audience was a total of 107 people. And alltogether around 20 people was participating in the organizing of the festival. There was no breach of the peace and also otherwise everything went amazingly well.

So thank you again for all the performers,
people participating in organizing, and guests!"
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VADELMA FEST 2006 on Saturday 17.6. at 19 - 02


Due to the fire that burned down Villa Siperia last night,
the original Vadelma Fest will be held in a smaller scale
in Vadelma rooms on Saturday 17.6. at 19 - 02.

At the moment the programme of the evening looks as follows,
but changes may still come, and if so, you can read about them here or in Finnish from

The Main Stage

20:00 My Divine Creature
21:00 Pleasures And Days
22:00 Luoja
23:00 James Reipas
00:00 Apollo Bonaparte;
Vox Pops;
Dj Dave Angel

The DJ Stage

19:30 Dj Saraswati
20:30 Octobus Syng
21:30 Olli Koivu
22:30 Dj Saraswati

+ VJ Under Control

Music varies from pop, progressive, dance, acid
to BollywoodMantra ChillOut GoaTrance

Tickets 2 euro only

Address Lönnrotinkatu 32 D, Helsinki

You are most welcome!

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Villa Siperia has burnt down!


The pics above are from Monday and the pic you find from here , is from today, Wednesday.
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Coming up on Saturday 17.6. Vadelma Fest in Siperia.

Starting at 14:00, goes on till Sunday.

Lots of bands.

DJ Saraswati plays BollywoodMantra ChillOut GoaTrance

You are most welcome!
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Vadelma Club 16.5. 2006

Vadelma Club was held at Liberté on Tuesday night.
Bands on the stage were Sub Rosa, and Pikku Kukka ("Tiny Flower").
And on three different screens was videoart from VJ Random Flowers + guests.

I only got to see Pikku Kukka, of which are these pics.
The band played very nice music and their show was energetic.
I recommend you to check them out, they'll cheer you up.

The last pic is videoart of Antti Kulonen.
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